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Pete the Puzzle Piece Blog

Full of purpose-packed pieces
for you and your child.

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Pete the Puzzle Piece Blog

Full of purpose-packed pieces for you and your child.

Welcome Home:  

By PeteThePuzzlePiece | May 7, 2024

What Looks Like the End, Is Actually the Beginning…the Beginning of a Miracle Have you ever looked at tree limbs that looked lifeless in winter? Bare limbs with no leaves…It’s easy to assume from the outside that the tree may be dead…Or, maybe that the tree should be cut down…

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Recognizing the Hidden Gem

By PeteThePuzzlePiece | April 3, 2024

Human nature can be fickle. Just look at the life of Jesus. One minute, the people are waving palm branches and saying, “Hallelujah!” And the next minute, they are shouting: “Crucify Him!”…If anyone understands the roller coaster of human behavior, He would. Mankind can ignore someone one minute and recognize…

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An Unlikely Friend in an Unlikely Place 

By PeteThePuzzlePiece | March 6, 2024

We all need a friend like Will in our lives…Someone who will take the time to notice when a person looks lost, confused, or disappointed. Someone who steps in to encourage when shoulders are slumped and heads are hanging down…who stops their busy schedule to intentionally sit down next to…

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Running Away

By PeteThePuzzlePiece | November 1, 2023

Running from our purpose…That can be so easy, especially when we struggle to find our place. All the reasons fill our minds: “What difference can I make? So and so, has the same giftings as I do, and they seem to be better at it, anyhow…”No one will even know…

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Looking In The Mirror

By PeteThePuzzlePiece | October 2, 2023

What do you see when you look in the mirror? Are you focusing on flaws or do you see yourself as someone God created? The world wants nothing more than to see ourselves through a cracked lens. God clarifies in Scripture that man looks at the outward appearance, but the…

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Feelings of Loneliness

By PeteThePuzzlePiece | September 1, 2023

It doesn’t matter if the largest crowd in the room surrounds you. Sometimes, you can feel very insignificant and extremely lonely in those places. 

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Embarrassment 103: Try and Try Again

By PeteThePuzzlePiece | August 1, 2023

It takes courage to try a new skill. It takes even more courage to try a skill, fail miserably at it, and be willing to try a new one…especially when that supposed “failure” took place in front of countless eyes, laughing and commenting as you walked offstage or off of…

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Embarrassment 102: Unpopular in the Popular Crowd

By PeteThePuzzlePiece | July 4, 2023

Swish! Don’t you wish that life was like that every day? One goal…One victory…One slam dunk after another…  No embarrassment, no mistakes, no regrets…One score in life to the next with your feet lifted off of the ground, defying gravity…Flying like a bird in flight as you effortlessly slam dunk…

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Embarrassment 101: Front and Center

By PeteThePuzzlePiece | June 1, 2023

Have you ever struggled with stage fright or being front and center in a conversation with all eyes turning in your direction? Stares of silence…waiting to see what you will say or do—not anticipating what will come out of your mouth. That weird feeling where your stomach is in knots…

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Feelings of A Misfit

By PeteThePuzzlePiece | May 1, 2023

When you feel like a “Misfit… One of the main goals is to be accepted. What can I do to make others notice me? What can I do to make others like me?  Thoughts swirl in your mind: “Maybe if I were like so and so…then I would fit in…

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Back to the Beginning

By PeteThePuzzlePiece | April 3, 2023

Have you ever felt like a “Misfit“? I certainly have. One specific time I remember sitting in a chair surrounded by a large group of people, watching them interact and pass me by, feeling almost invisible as everyone looked everywhere but in my direction. If you have ever been in…

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A Pete the Puzzle Piece Premiere

By PeteThePuzzlePiece | March 7, 2023

Play Video Have you ever wondered where you fit or why you’re here? At some point in our lives, we all wonder: “What is my purpose?” These questions lead to times of reflection or “park bench” moments. Join us for the premiere of A Pete the Puzzle Piece Story and…

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