It doesn’t matter if the largest crowd in the room surrounds you. Sometimes, you can feel very insignificant and extremely lonely in those places.
It’s almost as if in the noise and chatter, it can be easier to people-watch and imagine everyone else’s seemingly perfect lives. Feeling lost in a crowd or like one unnoticed number in a vast sea of faces can cause emotions of loneliness and insecurity that the heart cannot even begin to describe.
Sometimes, it can be easier to sit by yourself and reflect without comparing everyone around you…
That’s exactly how Pete the Puzzle Piece felt as he left painting that day with Abby the Artist and Izzy the Apprentice. Everything leading up to this point brought discouragement and questions that culminated in him contemplating his next steps while he sat on his picket fence that night. It was as quiet as possible, and the night sky was vibrant with stars…But Pete was too lost in his thoughts to notice…
Pete’s Perspective.
That’s one of the emotions I felt as I sat on my fence that night and replayed the events. Unfortunately, as I had mentioned before, I was making some very emotional decisions, wrestling in my mind with thoughts of loneliness, embarrassment, and utter disappointment. If I had taken the time to listen to God instead of focusing so much on myself, I could have listened long enough to let Him speak to me personally.
Quieting my thoughts long enough, I could have looked up at the stars and remembered the passage of Scripture that says,
“He determines the number of the stars and calls them each by name. Great is our Lord and mighty in power; His understanding is unlimited. (Psalm 145:4-5)
But, I did not know the love of God at this point of my journey. It won’t be long now before I do. That’s why I am so glad someone shared it with me, and I want to share it with you, too.
When you have the hope of God, you can remind yourself of His promises, even in lonely and dark times. Because I didn’t have that hope yet, I began to think: “Maybe if I run away from my town, where I don’t fit, that life will get easier. If I leave town, my problems will go away…”
That could have been further from the truth, but I couldn’t convince myself otherwise.
I decided to hop off my fence and head straight for my house. Pulling out a map, I looked at the route to the next town. I packed the little belongings I had and walked toward my front door.
If only…If only someone had taken the time to call me at that moment on the phone and ask to meet me for that long-awaited coffee get-together. Everyone else had been so wrapped up in their little world that they didn’t take the time to notice. I thought it was obvious to everyone that I wanted to belong, to feel accepted, and to have a purpose. But, sometimes, people can become so preoccupied with their schedules and lives that it isn’t about them not caring; it’s just the daily distractions that get in the way.
That is a great reminder for you too, Friend. Maybe God is prompting you today to reach out and to tell someone that you are struggling because they aren’t even aware.
OR, maybe God is prompting you to reach out to someone that has come to your heart several times because they need a word of encouragement.
I could have used a friend at this moment as I turned my doorknob and made one step after the next towards the exit sign of Jigsaw. One major decision that should not have happened had I known how loved and valuable I am. Friend, I hope you take hold of how loved and valuable you are and don’t make the same mistakes I did. When God made you, He made someone very special.
God has good plans for your life. He is always with you.
Your Pal,
Pete’s Proclamations:
God has good plans for my life. I do not need to feel sad or lonely because God promises He will never leave or forsake me. I trust the Lord to be there for me all the time. I can walk into a room with my head held high, knowing God loves me and makes me very special.
Jeremiah 29:11-13
Parents Talking Points:
- Ask your child if they have felt lonely or know someone in their class that may be feeling like Pete.
- Talk about Jeremiah 29:11-13 and that God has good plans for their life.
- Encourage your child if they are feeling lonely and that God made them on purpose for a purpose. If they know of a child feeling sad, pray with them about how they might be encouraging them.

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