“As a mother of nine children, a grandmother of eleven, and after thirty-three years of homeschooling, I highly recommend this children’s book. This is a whimsical, colorful, fun read about a character named Pete trying to find his place of belonging on life’s journey. This story reinforces the idea that each person is uniquely made and special and that there is a place for each of us that completes the bigger picture.”
Hazel Johnson
“If you are looking for a book that will ignite hope in your child’s heart that their life has tremendous value and worth, then look no further than my friend’s new book, ‘Where is the Missing Puzzle Piece?’. Liz Pitman has masterfully composed a message of identity for kids planting seeds of truth that will deeply impact their sense of purpose, worth, and value in the Kingdom of God for years to come.”
Author, TV Host, Speaker
Krissy Nelson
“Where is the Missing Puzzle Piece?’ is a charming story, and young children will immediately relate to Pete. His journey poignantly addresses the innate human need to belong. Children and adults alike will cheer as puzzled Pete finds his place!”
Master’s degree in Elementary Education
Tami Gibson
”What a refreshing story for young children as they travel into the fascinating world of Pete, the puzzle piece, and experience all the adventures alongside him. Parents and teachers alike will delight in how Pete’s character comes alive in their children’s hearts and imaginations. The story reveals the powerful message of God’s heart of love for us and emphasizes how He creates us with value and purpose! We are His masterpiece!”
Elementary Supervisor for 20 years
Linda Niemeyer
“Where Is the Missing Puzzle Piece? with the main character, Pete the Puzzle Piece, is a favorite book to read with my family! What a special and much-needed message for children regarding their unique identities and God-given gifts. A must-read!”
“We love our special book! It has such a powerful message to share and Jesus is the missing piece!! Our three children love Pete so much! Highly recommend this book to all families!”