Human nature can be fickle. Just look at the life of Jesus. One minute, the people are waving palm branches and saying, “Hallelujah!” And the next minute, they are shouting: “Crucify Him!”…If anyone understands the roller coaster of human behavior, He would. Mankind can ignore someone one minute and recognize them in another. In the story of Pete, he feels completely invisible, partly because of his own decisions to be anyone but himself, but also partly because the town of Jigsaw didn’t really take the time to get to know him.
From the outside, Pete didn’t have all of the abilities that drew attention like the basketball star, the artist, the singer….And, sadly, because of that, the people of his town didn’t make time for him in their “busy schedules”…Somehow they managed to fit everyone else in their calendar, but him.
Sometimes, we can take people for granted, and don’t recognize how truly valuable they are until they are desperately needed. This is exactly what happened when everyone else was enjoying their celebration at the festival, indulging in their cotton candy and rides, making memories without a care in the world…Until, suddenly, they realized that there was a very big problem!
The reality hit hard when the one puzzle piece that could complete the entire picture was missing! This defining moment opened eyes in Jigsaw. They had not been recognizing the hidden gem, until suddenly it hit them in the face.
Let’s remember to be on the lookout for the gems and gold in those that God puts in our path. It’s very easy to get wrapped up in the seen and the recognized and invest all of our energy into prioritizing those kinds of friendships.
There are people in your sphere of influence that really would appreciate and thrive if you could look through the eyes of the Lord with His “spiritual magnifying glass”, and call out the greatness that God has put inside of them.
Pete’s Perspective
I had heard all about the festival in Jigsaw before I decided to leave town. It was going to be a big event. Cotton candy, rides, balloons, popcorn: All of it sounded amazing, until I just didn’t feel like a part of any of it. Because of a lack of connection with anybody in Jigsaw, I didn’t think I would be missing much by leaving town before the event.
Little did I know…While I was sitting on the park bench talking to Will, that the people of the town were about to make a big picture at the festival. Instead of excitement, they realized the very big problem: I was missing! Never in a million years would I have thought they would have noticed. But, in that moment, when they had all gathered together to make the puzzle, they all were shocked to discover that I was not there.
Suddenly, the people of the town realized that I had value and worth. They could not complete the puzzle without me, and they all decided that they needed to find me. As wonderful as this may sound, this all could have been avoided. It would have been better had I realized how valuable I was in the first place and never left, and if they would have taken the time to realize that I was an important part of the town, too.
Friend, I hope today that you recognize for yourself, whether you hear it from others or not, that you are truly an important part of the big picture.
You may feel hidden or unnoticed, but God has placed value inside of you because He created you. If you can recognize that, it doesn’t take a shocking moment for others to suddenly realize how important you are. Because let’s face it, human nature can change all of the time. One minute someone can see how wonderful you are and want to be your friend, and the next, they want to be friends with someone else. Humans aren’t the ones who should define your worth. Your worth comes from God Himself.
I hope you always realize that,
Your Pal,

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