Have you ever felt like a “Misfit“?
I certainly have. One specific time I remember sitting in a chair surrounded by a large group of people, watching them interact and pass me by, feeling almost invisible as everyone looked everywhere but in my direction.
If you have ever been in a similar situation, my encouragement to you is that you are actually in very good company. Several examples in Scripture point to the fact that God loves using those that feel like “Misfits.” You know, the ones that typically are overlooked, undervalued, mocked, and laughed at…Name a few: Gideon, David, Joseph, Moses, and Esther…All of these were isolated, looked down upon, overlooked, passed by, ridiculed, and judged at one point in their lives. YET, look how God worked through their lives! Being used by God is certainly a process where you must be willing to be misunderstood, refined, and surrendered to the Lord’s leading step-by-step. You also have to be willing to accept your uniqueness instead of trying to be a carbon copy of everybody else.
Pete the Puzzle Piece had to also come to the place on his journey.
Let’s take a look at his thoughts as we journey back with him to his town of Jigsaw, a town vibrant with life and lots of other puzzle pieces, one in which, at this point, he felt a very small part of in the grand scheme of things. Pete had yet to realize how important he was to the big picture. Maybe you can relate…
Pete’s Perspective:
Have you ever felt like a “Misfit”? I have!
It wasn’t long ago that I was walking around my town of Jigsaw, seeing smiling faces and laughter, wanting to feel part of something.
Others would have had no idea how I was feeling.
I would smile and wave as I walked down the street to my favorite doughnut shop. And, although they would wave back and say, “Hello, Pete! Let’s get coffee sometime.” I felt completely out of place. No one seemed to take the time to get to know me. Coffee invites were just that, with no actual follow-through…no quality time with anyone. Although I would try my best to blame it on the busyness of everyone’s schedule, it was almost a catchphrase people would use to fill the conversation or to make pleasantries, but what I wanted…was true friendship.
My town’s puzzle pieces seemed to have it all together: friends, goals, dreams, and talents…
I would walk past them, laughing and having a good time. I would see the ones mentioning coffee get-togethers with someone else at a coffee shop, but somehow they didn’t pencil me in on their calendar…And, I would wonder, why them and not me?
It hurt a little…Sometimes, it hurt a lot.
It sometimes made me feel invisible.
Here I was, smiling through the hurt, putting on the best brave face I could in a town where I felt like the only misfit.
If you have ever smiled while feeling empty and misunderstood…
I understand. I have been there.
My name is Pete the Puzzle Piece, and I want to remind you today that no matter how completely out of place or how lost you feel, you are not just another number in a crowd of people. You are a very important part of the much bigger picture that God created.
Follow me as I find my way. Because, just like me, you are packed full of purpose.
Your Pal,
Now it’s your turn:
Say this:I will fulfill God’s purpose for my generation.
I have a special place designed just for me.
No matter what it feels like or looks like,
God has a special plan for my life designed just for me.
Parents’ Talking Points:
Ask your child which story they want to read in the Bible. Have them choose either the story of Gideon, Esther, Moses, or David, or Joseph.
For David…served the purpose of the Lord in his generation. (Acts 13:36)
The Bible is clear that David fulfilled his purpose. That is a very important statement to make. We all have a purpose from the Lord and our special place to fill.
- What person did you choose in the Bible?
- Name some characteristics about this person:
- How was their uniqueness used in a special way for God?
- How did they fulfill God’s purpose?
- What are some ways that you are encouraged by their story, and how do I relate to the person that I chose in Scripture?
- What are some special things about me?

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