When you feel like a “Misfit…
One of the main goals is to be accepted. What can I do to make others notice me? What can I do to make others like me?
Thoughts swirl in your mind: “Maybe if I were like so and so…then I would fit in like everyone else.”
Whether you’re a child or an adult, there are certainly times, no matter the season of life you are in, when comparison and the need to feel accepted try to cloud out the value of who God created you to be…which is uniquely special…uniquely YOU!
Pete the Puzzle Piece had many questions and inner thoughts as he wrestled with feeling out of place… As you read them below, if you can identify them, take heart because, just like Pete, you, too, are on a quest to find how important you are in this world.
Pete’s Perspective:
When you feel like a “Misfit”…
One of the main goals is to be accepted.
I would see people in my town going about their daily lives playing basketball, flying kites, jumping rope, being recognized…
Not a care in the world, or so it seemed.
Everything on the surface in the lives of others seemed like a highlight reel.
Nobody seemed to be struggling on the inside.
Why do I feel this way?
I would look on and wonder…
What am I good at?
What do I enjoy doing?
What do people think of me?
Alot of “I’s” and “Me’s” kept coming in my mind. It was really all that I was thinking about most of the time.
“Maybe, if I’m as good at something as the ‘popular’ people in my town, I will be ‘popular’, too…
I believed this. Sad, but true.
No one had told me, yet, that I was an original, created on purpose.
No one told me I didn’t need to copy or be like someone else.
No one told me I was special.
Or, if they did, I didn’t know how to receive that because I needed to accept myself, and who I was made to be.
Have you ever felt that way?…
Let me take your hand, and help you discover who you really are.
Someone helped me find that, and I want to help you as you step into your special place that no one else can fill.
Your Pal,
Pete the Puzzle Piece
Pete’s Proclamations:
I am fearfully and wonderfully made.
Talking Points:
Read Psalm 139:1-18 aloud with your child.
Ask these questions:
1.) Do you know how special you are?
Highlight: God created you and knit you together in your mother’s womb.
2.) Do you ever feel scared or afraid?
Highlight: God knows when you sit and when you rise. You are not alone. He is familiar with all of your ways.
3.) How often does God think about you?
All of the time! He thinks about you more than the grains of sand in the universe! That is more grains than you can count!
After reading the verses in Psalm 139 and talking about the questions,
Declare aloud:
I am woven by the hand of God for a very special reason. I don’t have to be like anyone else. I can embrace who He made me to be. God designed a special place for me in the big picture.

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