Pete The Puzzle Piece

Awarded the 2024 Christian Market Children’s Book of the Year

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Everyone Needs A friend Who WIll Declare The Truth Over THem

We created Pete's Proclamations for you and your child to discover your identity and to declare the truth that will help you find purpose and discover, like Pete, just how loved you are!

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It's Finally Here
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We're going back to the beginning of the story. To a lone puzzle piece on a kitchen shelf. To finding out where we fit. And to those benchmark moments where we discover our identity and purpose.

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Follow Pete the Puzzle Piece as he travels along with his new friends. You can register your adventure with Pete, and it will be included on our interactive map.

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Meet Pete

Pete, The friendly puzzle piece from the town of Jigsaw, didn’t know where he fit until he went on a journey of discovery where he found his true value and purpose in Jesus.

He loves having adventures and meeting new friends. Wherever he goes, Pete reminds everyone that they, too, are such an important part of the big picture.

“For we are God’s masterpiece. He has created us anew in Christ Jesus, so we can do the good things he planned for us long ago.” Ephesians 2:10, NLT



meet pete excites boys
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Join your pal, Pete, for an exciting time of fun, prizes, and a live reading of Where Is the Missing Puzzle Piece? with the author, Liz Pitman.
And, drum roll, please: The grand finale includes the incredible opportunity to "Meet Pete" in person!
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From Missing Piece to MasterPIECE

We exist to encourage the missing puzzle pieces, those who feel lost, confused, or like they are sitting on a shelf wondering about their purpose in life, from feeling misplaced or discarded to truly understanding that they are God’s MasterPIECE.

Several years ago, God got my attention in my kitchen on an ordinary day. When I walked into the room, I looked up and saw a single puzzle piece sitting on the shelf. As I was about to reach out and throw it in the trash, the Lord unexpectedly told me not to touch it. Thinking there was no way I could possibly find where this piece fit, I obeyed but walked past this puzzle piece for several days as I prayed about what the Lord was trying to teach me.

In prayer, He revealed that so many people feel like that puzzle piece sitting on the shelf: they don’t know where they fit, where they belong, and just as I was about to throw out the puzzle piece in my kitchen, in the same way, many throw out their giftings as if they are junk. God wants us to know that we are very important to the big picture and that we need to step into our purpose. While praying, God downloaded the book, “Where Is the Missing Puzzle Piece?” And from the adventure of stepping out in writing with the Lord, the company Puzzle Piece Publications and Productions was born.

Our desire is for all the “Puzzle Pieces” in this world to realize their value and purpose as they step into their vital, God-given destinies.

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